Is your garden Soil or Dirt

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Let us look at soil. To begin with, is it actually soil, or is it just dirt?

This makes an enormous difference.
Plants grow in soil, not dirt.

Now, dirt, is just that, dirt - a bit of ground where very little has,
or can be grown. This could be for myriad reasons. All those years ago,
did Grandad decide that where the old incinerator used to be, would be
a prime spot to put the new veggie garden? Having fires on top of it
for donkey's years will have made this dirt. Sterile at that.

However, many things may have been grown and produced since then, but
not without the assistance of copious applications of water soluble
chemical fertilizer - or heaven forbid 'superphosphate'. EEeekk!
Probably looked like something out of one of those old 1960's glossy
magazines; razor sharp edges, newly turned beds showing bare earth, not
a scrap of mulch to be seen - too messy! Strict rows of each individual
crop - no untidy mixing up of varieties.

Goodness! Things sure grew with a bit of the old 'super'! Very true,
but - chemical fertilizers make the cells of plants expand, to an
almost a critical point. In this extended state, these cells are full
of water and/or air. So, the produce you are eating, is actually false
Sort of like buying a loaf of bread that's hollow.

The chemical fertilizers that appeared after world war two, were like
'jack-and-the-bean-stalk' stuff - so much less work than all that
mucking around, tilling the soil and getting dirty.
And GAD's, look at the SIZE of these things!!
Well, no one could have know any better - this was the new modern world
we were entering, where food was plentiful and cheap.

You can certainly eat this produce ( that's what is in the
supermarkets), but as for calorific content, and actual sustenance - it
is severely lacking. Part of this is due to the fact that the plant has
been 'forced', and hasn't had the opportunity to take up the nutrients
and trace elements it actually needs for normal growth.
Looks great, tastes bland.

Anyway, back to the soil. Grandad's passed on and the next gardener
decides to go organic.
The first attempted crops will probably fail - small, stunted plants
without any vitality; at the very least they are not going to look like
Grandad's did. This is because the garden is just dirt. There is no
existing organic content to be had.

Sadly, this is where many would-be organic veggie growers chuck it in,
naive to the fact that a bit of chicken manure, and a bit of mulch, are
only small elements of the whole picture. If Grandad had had some sort
of conniption, and against all common reason, had decided to 'go
organic' one season, his plants would have all failed, if not died
outright, without the contiguous application of the beloved soluble

In order to have 'soil', as opposed to 'dirt', one must view the entire
garden as a living entity.
A biomass, a biological mass of living interconnected and associated
entities; whether they be macro-organisms like worms and beetles,
micro-organisms like bacteria and viruses, or fungi.
An organic garden should be evolution on a molecular scale. The mulch
and manure that were applied to one crop, including the remnants of
that crop, now partly decomposed, become the base to initiate the
evolution of the biomass.

Some bacterias, feeding on the spent plant material, will attract
organisms that feed on them and their debris, like fungi; which in turn
attracts organisms that feed on fungi, whose debris then feeds the
bacteria, again. As this molecular mass of waste, called seed compost,
builds up with the subsequent applications of mulch, manures and
plantings, other organisms are attracted also, nematodes, various
insects, worms - all of which, in their turn are consumed by some other
organism - adding to the mass.

Slowly, incrementally, the biomass builds, worms transport soil,
bacteria and trace elements around the garden; deep-rooted plants plumb
the depths for trace elements, which are then deposited higher in the
soil as that plant decomposes, making these elements now more readily
available to other plants; in turn releasing them back into biomass for
some other organism.

The greater, or more evolved the biomass in soil becomes, the greater
the number of plants that can be incorporated into the garden, and in
turn returned to the soil, continuing the cycle.

Provided that a garden is added to with organic material, during and
after each crop, and re-planted with a diversity of plants and herbs
filling any spaces (no bare soil), it will only get better over time -
like a stew.

An important rule to remember is - that which comes out of a garden,
must be replaced, in some form.
So, if you have just dug up all the potatoes, replace that crop with an
equal weight of mulch and manure. Balance is what we are trying to

Interestingly, an organic garden never reaches critical mass. It is
never going to increase enormously in bulk, nor slowly encroach on your
house and attack you one night.
A balanced organic garden has its own highs and lows, when one organism
or element becomes too profuse, this then triggers a population
increase in whichever organism feeds on it, and so on, until balance is

Having stated that critical mass is never reached, I should state that
rather, self perpetuation is reached instead. By this I mean that, when
a good balance is reached, the garden produces enough raw plant
material, animal manures and debris, ultimately returned to the garden,
that it perpetuates itself.

Yes, this is, initially, a lot of work, depending on your definition of
'work'. However, the rewards are many; self satisfaction, for a start;
healthy, 'real' food; exercise; a new found appreciation of the wonder
of nature, to mention a few.

So, what is your garden? Soil, or Dirt?

About the Author: Organic Gardening Magic
Organic Food Gardening Beginners Manual
Compost - feed your plants as Nature really intended.

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