Tips and Advice for Organic Gardening
Organic gardening is becoming more popular as people are tending to move away from the harsher chemicals involved in artificial gardening and towards a more natural product. Organic gardening greatly reduces the use of pesticides and harsh chemicals, trying to keep the garden as natural as possible, and keeping the nutrients in the soil.
There are a lot of advantages to organic gardening. One advantage is the fact that you can enjoy a wide diversity of garden insects, birds, and mammals which are otherwise affected by artificial gardens; for the most part, it is considered that organically grown food tastes better all around; you can do your part to stop waste and environmental pollution from avoiding fertilizers and other chemicals that have been proven to harm the environment. Another advantage is that you can be assured completely that absolutely no pesticides whatsoever will go into the fruit, vegetables, or herbs that you eat.
If you are thinking about going into organic gardening there are some tips and advice you may need. One of the most critical is to be sure and avoid the planting up large areas with the same plants. Instead, grow plant companions, especially those plants which repel insect pests.
There are also some tips that every organic gardener should know. Garlic is used as a natural antibiotic and antifungal remedy and when garlic is combined with mineral soap and oil, it then becomes a very effective pest control product. Milk is used to help control powdery mildew on cucumbers just as effectively as a synthetic fungicide. Beer is used to attract slugs, which are actually beneficial to gardens. Floating row covers are used for preventing insect pests from reaching the plants, and newspaper is used to smother and rid the garden of weeds.
Protein fertilizers are available almost everywhere these days, and besides that, there are numerous household recipes for starting and maintaining a fresh and healthy garden - without the use of harsh pesticides.
Organic gardening has become so popular that there is so much information available on the issue of organic vegetable gardening. Whether you are interested in starting in on this trend yourself, or you have already begun and simply want more information on the subject, it will not prove difficult to find.
Learn more Organic Gardening information at
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